My goodness I am so excited to share this gallery on the blog today - eek! I met Elizabeth and Brandon a few months ago for their maternity session and was over the moon excited, honored, grateful they asked me to photograph Charlotte's newborn session! I love E V E R Y T H I N G about miss Charlotte's gallery! Her session was a dream! She slept the entire time and gave us the sweetest smiles as she was dreaming in her mama's arms (awwww!) And y'all already know how much I love newborn sessions with puppies - so be sure to scroll through to see how proud Duke & Dolly are of their new baby sister!

I am so grateful for my clients, like Elizabeth & Brandon, who welcome me to their home and entrust me to capture this precious stage of their lives to look back on for months and years to come. Expecting a little one and interested in booking a newborn session? Feel free to reach out and we can get something on the books for you! Until next week - cheers, friends!