cake smash sessions are such a fun and memorable way to celebrate your babe's first birthday! whether you have one planned or thinking about scheduling a cake smash - here's everything you need to know!
in my personal opinion, less is more! unless you're committed to a theme or LOVE details, go simple! if you don't have a theme or a baker in mind, hands down Publix is the way to go! their mini buttercream is perfect for these sessions and less than $20! keep in mind the colors you use for icing - stay away from black or dark colors (I learned my lesson the hard way with a one in a melon cake **watermelon seeds**). don't love cake? do donuts, muffins, brownies, cookies, fruit! have an allergy? look for vegan bakeries and they can assist in creating something perfect for your babe!
you MUST be okay with this outfit getting completely covered in icing and cake. simple diaper covers are sweet, but know your little may need a sink bath afterwards! I love overalls with no undershirt or bubbles with buttons or their initials monogrammed! don't overlook accessories, now - little birthday hats are so cute at these sessions. if you do plan for a hat or bib, be sure your babe has time at home wearing these items so they are comfortable with the accessory before the session!
bring an extra outfit, along with an extra pack of wipes! you'll focus cleaning up babe and I'll focus on cleaning up the space!
last few things to keep in mind:
has your little had sweets before? are they weird about textures? not sure? if it's important to you that your babe eats cake or smashes it - do a test run at home. it's not uncommon for littles to dislike the texture on their hands or in their mouth... which may leave you a bit disappointed. best thing I recommend: let whatever happen, happen. leave all your expectations at the door and let your babe explore cake and celebrating the way they want to at their session!
last tip: be sure to store your cake in a cool place! if you can, let it be the last errand you run before your session so you don't have to leave it in your car or travel with it from here to there and everywhere. we definitely don't want it falling to pieces before the session!