As a mom of 3 littles I know all too well the time and energy that goes into planning your family's photo session and how stressful it can be to get 3 kids to look at a camera and all smile at the same time - it takes legit magic. You want to enjoy the photo session experience and want an amazing gallery. I'm here to tell you - you can have both! Below I'm sharing my tips on how to prep yourself and your kids to have the most fun at your next session.

Pep Talk

A photo shoot is like a big play date! Prepare your family by talking about your upcoming session. Keep it casual with kiddos by saying something like "we're going to hang out with our friend Leigh Ann on Saturday!" or "we get to explore a new park this weekend!" Make it less about the session and more about spending time together.


No one is their best self when they're hangry, so be sure your kiddos (and yourself) aren't operating on an empty belly. Have a snack before the session and pack an extra one incase we need a snack break during the session. Pro tip: Choose a "clean" option that isn't messy or won't stain clothes or skin.


Ever needed a reason to have a dance party in an open field? I got you! Music is a great way to help your littles get comfortable in front of the camera and offers perfect opportunities for those adorded candids.


Sometimes kiddos are a bit shy and a lovey is a great way to keep your child comforted during their session. Whether it's their favorite blanket, stuffed animal or a couple matchbox cars, these little things will go a long way.


Fight the urge to say things like "cheese" or "smile big" to your kids. I can attest as a former child that doesn't work (anyone remember my 1997 easter pic I shared?) The best way to make your kiddo smile is to actually make them smile. Be silly and have fun - say and do things that make them giggle. I promise a big giggle or laugh will photograph best to capture their true smile.


I am not above bribes y'all! Whether it's candy, an ice cream cone or a new babydoll - pick your poison.. anything you choose to reward your kiddo with after your session is a bribe and therefore a great way to entice them to at least comply with photo shenanigans. Be sure not to tell your kids about their treats before the session, wait until the kids starts getting fatigued before you pull your bribe card!

Have Fun

Your kiddos will pick up on your mood - so if you're stressed or annoyed, I can bet they will be too. At the end of the day, there is nothing to stress about. I’m capturing your family just as you are at that moment in time - so rather than concentrating on taking nice photos, love on your kiddos, embrace the silly, play tag with them in an open field. I'll be there to tag along in the fun and capture the precious memories you're creating!

Screenshot these or save this link to your favorites list to keep these tips handy for when you need to prep for your photo session. Let me know which one worked best for your and your kiddos. Cheers, friends!