when everything goes wrong so it'll go right... have you been there?
we rescheduled their session no less than 5 times - between milestones, work schedules and just plain 'ole "life happens" - so I kept leaning into the reminder of "in God's timing" and sure enough, it was all for the best! the weather was perfect, the littles were their best selves, we were in and out of the park before the wedding ceremony started (which we found out when we arrived and had no idea that was a thing at this location), and truly we had a ball together! leeann and bennett truly leaned into capturing this season of life as a family of 4 - playing airplane and piggyback rides, picking dandelions and playing chase, fixing hair bows and making silly faces for baby brother to laugh at.
I love each image and every detail in their gallery - I'm sure you will too! keep scrolling to see some faves from my afternoon with the cain family! until next week, cheers friends!