Raise your hand if your husband has ever not been overly joyed at the announcement of a planned photoshoot... (M E ! !) I get it because I've been there. I've never had to drag Josh to a session kicking or screaming thankfully (he's actually a pretty great sport), although we have had our share of exchanged eyerolls and agreed to disagree on outfit choices.

Through my own lessons learned and shared ideas from friends and clients, here are a few tips on how to prepare dads (or husbands or granddads) for your next family photoshoot!

COmfortable CLothing

Now, I'm not talking gym shorts and tennies. Help dad/hubby pick an outfit that's comfortable and makes him feel like himself. Shoes are important because lifestyle family sessions tend to be active and it's important for him to be comfortable so he can move around and play with his kiddos!

When in doubt, plan for the "dad uniform." Keep it simple and comfortable with closet basics like khakis/jeans with a button down! It's comfortable and photograph's great!

Keep it Casual

Tell him it's going to be fun! Does he have a favorite playlist, let's play it! Does he have a favorite thing to do with the kids - like reading a book, carrying them on his shoulders, playing tag - let's plan these activities into your session. Want to crack a cold one to take the edge off, cheers!

Focus on the Kids

When I say "okay, now look at me a smile" all the cringy grins come out. So I like to stay away from that as much as possible - but we will get at least one of those "looking at the camera" shots. Encourage dad to tickle the kids or give them big bear hugs! When dad's attention is directed to you and the kids, those photos are pure magic. His smile is genuine, he is happy and I promise the pics will make your heart flutter!

EXchange for participation

If he is totally not down for the photos.. make a deal. If he participates in the photo session for you, you'll take kid duty the following Saturday so he can hit the greens like he's been wanting to. I'm sure after the session he'll say something like "that wasn't bad" or "I had a great time." So then it's a win win with a fun session, a golf game and then he's onboard for your next session already :)

Other things to consider:

Does he have a favorite location we can use - a family farm, the marina, the airport, a beloved part of town?

Is there an activity your family loves to do and wants me to tag along - picking blueberries, outing on your boat, rounding up cows in the pasture, exploring Radnor Lake?

Like seriously, I'm down for whatever and I'm here for you and dad! Until next week, cheers!